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Have you been injured in an accident in Phoenix — or elsewhere in Arizona — due to the negligence or wrongful misconduct of another party?  If so, the law may give you a right of action against the defendant for damages.  The decisions you make in the wake of that accident can have enormous consequences for your later injury claims against the liable defendant, however.

Even if you choose to pursue claims against the defendants, it’s important that you prioritize full and adequate medical care.  Failure to secure such care could undermine your overall legal argument and reduce the potential damages significantly. Contact our Phoenix accident attorney today to discuss the particulars of your situation.

Let’s take a closer look.

Consequences of a Delay or Failure to Follow-Through on Medical Care

In Arizona, and in every other jurisdiction in the country, our Phoenix accident attorney knows that a plaintiff’s inability to secure timely medical care (and to follow-through on medical care) could have a substantial negative impact on the success of their injury claims.  Consequences include, but are not necessarily limited to, the following:

  • The defendant attacks your legitimacy as a plaintiff (i.e., claiming that your injuries were not serious enough, or else you would not have been lax about medical care)
  • Difficulties in separating the foreseeable, accident-related injuries from the injuries that were caused by the lack of immediate and comprehensive medical care
  • Uncertainties as to the damage calculation
  • Statute of limitations deadline issues in the event that you do not discover the injury at an earlier date, when you should have (under the circumstances)

Confused?  This is all perhaps best clarified through an example, so let’s consider one in brief.

Suppose that you injure your leg in a car accident.  You do not seek immediate medical attention after the accident, in large part because you assume the injury is minor (in truth, it is not) and would rather not go through the hassle.  As a result, your condition worsens and you develop a serious infection that causes you to suffer organ failure.  This requires additional medical care and causes significant additional expense.

In litigation, the defendant argues that your damages are largely caused by your delay in seeking medical care — not by the accident itself.  This is likely to be an effective argument with the jury, who may be unsympathetic when presented with a plaintiff who could not do enough to “help themselves.”  Ultimately, the defendant may pick away at the damages to the point that your overall recovery is reduced to a minimal amount.

In the wake of an accident, priority should therefore be given to medical care.  Plaintiffs must do everything they can to secure such care so as to ensure that they have not missed anything that could impact their later injury claims — it is important that plaintiffs not make assumptions about their own health.

Contact a Phoenix Accident Attorney at Hirsch & Lyon for Legal Assistance

Here at Hirsch & Lyon, our team has over 65 years of combined experience working on behalf of injured plaintiffs in motor vehicle accident disputes.  Through these experiences, we have gained the insight necessary to help our clients understand the “ideal” path through every phase of the litigation process.  We provide comprehensive guidance so that plaintiffs do not weaken or otherwise threaten their own claims.

Ready to speak to a Phoenix accident attorney at our firm?  Send us a case evaluation form to arrange for a free consultation.  We are available 24/7 to respond to any inquiries you may have.

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